Our Stakeholder Partners
Our current stakeholder partners include: Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust; De Montfort University; University of Leicester; Leicestershire County Council; Leicester City Council; Rutland County Council; Leicester City MH commissioning Groups; Health and Wellbeing Board; Leicester Recovery College; Voluntary Sector Agencies (LAMP, ADHAR); User and Carer Groups and Organisations
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About Us
Vision Statement
To build a strong sustainable mental health research centre that will address the serious health challenges caused by mental ill-health through integrating excellent research with the service delivery in Leicester,... Continue reading
Mental ill-health represents the largest single illness encumbrance within the UK, accounting for approximately 23% of the total illness burden (Palmer, 2013). It is estimated that approximately 450 million people... Continue reading
Our Goals
We value cross-disciplinary research in improving the mental health and wellbeing of all communities connected with Leicester Centre for Mental Health Research (LCMHR). Our Goals To bring together professionals, user... Continue reading
It has been acknowledged for some time that poverty can be a trigger for poor mental health, and a report from the World Health Organisation (2009) highlight that mental health... Continue reading
Policy Documents and Research Framework
Key Policy Documents
Key policy documents that shape our strategy: Mental Health Policy in England: Briefing Paper No: CBP 07547, 23 August 2017, House of Commons Library No Health without Mental Health: A... Continue reading
To achieve the LCMHR, the following objectives have been identified: Objectives 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 1.1 We will facilitate the development of at least three networking events for... Continue reading