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To achieve the LCMHR, the following objectives have been identified:

Objectives  2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023


We will facilitate the development of at least three networking events for researchers to communicate and collaborate
1:2 We will develop a robust platform for engagement of user groups and service providers in research through an interactive web site; social media and annual conferences.
2.1 We will facilitate at least 5 grant applications
2.2 Strive to secure at least two PhD studentships under the network umbrella in the first two years increasing year on year to build a critical mass of PhD researchers
2.3 We will identify, and develop budding researchers by connecting them with academic mentors and funding organisations.
3.1 We will develop strategic partnerships with user and carer organisations to enhance user carer involvement in research  












3.2 We will develop strategic partnerships with user and carer organisations to enhance user carer involvement in research      
3.3 We will facilitate user / carer interaction with researchers to enable co-production and co-creation of knowledge
4.1 Facilitate small projects on improving our understanding of mental health awareness in diverse cultural communities / migrants / refugees
4.2 We aim to facilitate research on culturally adapted mental health care relevant to the diverse communities of LLR
5.1 We will facilitate implementation of research evidence by sharing knowledge generated through research to services, users and carers.
5.2 We will develop strategic partnership with industry and innovation leaders to improve the knowledge transfer and speedy implementation of research into practice
6 We will develop research collaborations on mental health with a wide range of academic departments beyond health care to foster the development of research into mental health resilience of our communities